Thursday, January 30, 2014

If Board Games Had Advertisements

I got hooked on Words With Friends for a while, but now I go weeks between plays.  The advertisements annoy me.  Does everything need to be interrupted by them?  When we play board games we don't need to be subjected to this nonsense.  But what if we were? For fun, I composed a script to capture just that scenario.

Advertisments in real-life games

SCENE -                Exterior, Mazy’s home.  Mazy is sitting at a patio table near her driveway.
JANE                      Hi Mazy
MAZY                    Hey Jane.  What have you got?
JANE                      I went to the store today and they were giving away free games of Scrabble.
MAZY                    Free?  Really?
JANE                      Yeah.  I guess there are some advertisements in it but other than that, it was a free game.
MAZY                    Oh that’s cool.  Do you want to play?
JANE                      Sure!
Jane and Mazy open the box of Scrabble and set up a game.  Improvise dialogue: How many game pieces? Who goes first? Do you play where you can just add an “s”?  Do you have a dictionary in case we challenge?  Do you accept slang?  Who wants to keep score? Etc.
MAZY                    (Plays the word  DOG) OK, you’re turn.
Enter a dog, wearing a sign that says: “Like dogs?  Click here for great savings on dog supplies!”
MAZY                    What is that?
JANE                      (Turns to look) Oh, it must be one of the ads.
MAZY                    Oh.  Well, I don't have a dog and I’m not interested in shopping for dog toys.
JANE                      Right.  (To DOG) Go on, get!  (DOG leaves) Alright, my turn.  (Jane plays the word TRAVELED. Enter a man wearing a safari outfit and a necklace with a large emblem that hangs near his chest.)
SAFARI MAN      Enjoy traveling?  Click here (indicates to emblem) for great travel destinations.
MAZY                    I can’t afford any trips right now.
SAFARI MAN      Compare and save rates on flight, hotels, car rentals and nightlife!
MAZY                    Can you leave us alone please?  We just want to play a game of Scrabble.  (SAFARI MAN leaves)
JANE                      Your turn, Mazy.
MAZY                    OK.  Let’s see… (Mazy plays the word WEIGHT)
Loud hip hop music begins to play and rapidly crescendos to an unbearable volume.   
JANE                      (Yelling over music) What the Hell is that?
MAZY                    (Yelling) I think it’s another one of the ads.
Enter muscular man in workout clothes.  He is carrying a boom-box and is wearing a wide black and sequined champion belt with a large button.
MUSCLE MAN   Click here to get into the best shape of your life! (Gestures toward button on belt)
JANE & MAZY                    NO!
MUSCLE MAN looks disappointed, then, with restored confidence, flexes a variety of muscles hoping to change the girls’ minds.
JANE                      We’re just trying to play a game here, would you leave us alone?  (MUSCLE MAN leaves)
MAZY                    These ads are a little annoying, Jane.
JANE                      Well, it’s a free game.  I guess they’ve got to make their money somehow.
MAZY                    I think they made their money back already.  Do the ads ever stop?
JANE                      I don’t know.  They’re not so bad.  I know they’re annoying but they don’t last long.  Let’s just keeping playing.  Whose turn?
MAZY                    (Looks at board) Your turn
JANE                      (Plays the word SINGLE)
Enter a gorgeous young woman scantily dressed with impressive cleavage.
WOMAN              Are you single?
JANE                      I’m married (flashes wedding band)
MAZY                    I’m dating someone.
WOMAN              (To neither in particular) Do you want to flirt?
MAZY                    Not with a woman.
JANE                      No.
WOMAN              Click here (points to the center of her ample bosom) to talk to sexy hot singles in your area.
JANE                      Please go away.  (WOMAN leaves)
MAZY plays the word FEVER and WOMAN returns.
WOMAN              Are you single?
MAZY                    Weren’t you just here?
WOMAN              Do you want to flirt?
MAZY                    Go away already!
WOMAN              Click here (points to her crotch) to talk to sexy hot singles in your area.
JANE                      I’m going to throw this dictionary at you if you don’t leave now.
WOMAN scampers away
MAZY                    Who uses ads to flirt anyway?
JANE                      I don’t know.  It must be like the personals or phone sex. My turn.  (Plays the word GAME)
Enter businessman in pale blue suit with a yellow striped tie.  He is carrying a stack of board games.
BUSINESSMAN Do you enjoy Scrabble? Try other games by Milton Bradley!  (BUSINESSMAN continues his spiel, but MAZY and JANE pretend to ignore him.  Adlib).  We have games to challenge intellect, pit yourselves against your friends, or simply to offer a night of hilarity.  Whatever your interest, Milton Bradley games are perfect for people of all ages.
MAZY                    I’m not going to play anymore games by Milton Bradley if they have as many annoying ads between plays.
JANE                      I’m thinking I should have just bought the game.  This is ridiculous.  
MAZY                    I wish we could just play a game without them.  It really disrupts the fun.
BUSINESSMAN has finished talking and is staring blankly at JANE & MAZY
JANE                      You can go now.  (BUSINESSMAN leaves)
MAZY                    I don’t even know whose turn it is anymore.
JANE                      It’s your turn.  I just played ‘game’.
MAZY                    OK.  Right.  (Plays the word HERBS)
Enter a thin 30-something brunette wearing a white apron and holding grilling utensils.
CHEF            Looking for the best way to flavor up your meat?
JANE & MAZY                    NO!
JANE                      (To Mazy) Barbeque ads now?  What's the point?  Are we really expected to stop our game to shop?  If we wanted to shop we'd be shopping, not playing a board game. Seriously.  (At CHEF) Go away.  (CHEF leaves.  JANE plays the word BODY.)
MAZY                    Look who’s back.
Enter WOMAN.
WOMAN              Are you single?  (Holds hand up to her face in protective gesture.  MAZY & JANE stare at her incredulously.  WOMAN, not being interrupted, smiles widely, hops a bit in excitement and continues.)
WOMAN              Do you want to flirt?  (MAZY & JANE remain silent.  Confidence increases in WOMAN and she continues).
WOMAN              Click here (grabs her chest and squeezes tightly) to talk to sexy hot singles in your area.  (She blows a kiss and smiles stupidly.  A stylish car pulls into the driveway and out pops an attractive young man.)
YOUNG MAN     Check out great deals for the new Honda Accord!
JANE                      Do you want to go for a walk instead?
MAZY                    Yeah
MAZY & JANE get up to leave.  They walk past WOMAN who is still holding onto her cleavage, her spirit begins to dampen.  As JANE and MAZY exit the frame, the young man approaches woman. 
WOMAN              Hi.  (She squeezes breasts a little tighter).  Wanna flirt?
YOUNG MAN and WOMAN kiss and collapse on the hood of the car kissing and groping.  Camera zooms out and up.  JANE AND MAZY walk away from the scene.  DOG, MUSCLEMAN, CHEF and BUSINESSMAN all walk back onto the scene and intermingle.  Fade to black.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The 3 Worst Results You Get from Search Engines

Sometimes, when I seek answers, I consult the internet.  We all have. There's the perception that online searches are convenient because the entire world, and all its information, is available at the "tips of our fingers" and at the "click of a mouse".  But it isn't always.  There are three search results that I typically see which are ultimately of no help whatsoever and I wish would just go away.

Worst search result # 1 - Links with links

Search engine results
At least this 404 Error page is funny
found on
Talk about redundancy.  After entering in the right keyword and perhaps exploring several of the results, I find a link that looks promising so I click it.  Rather than arriving at a genuine website, I'm navigated to a page that provides an endless list of links.  Really?  Yeah that's what I want for my search results - more search results.  Listen, I can't spend all day clicking links.  I click a link because I want an answer - NOT more links to click. 

Look at it this way.  Pretend you have a map but get lost anyway, so you ask for help.  Instead of clarifying directions, the good Samaritan says: "maybe these will help" and hands you more maps.  This is what it's like when you get a page of links.  Oh, and it's even worse when the links on those pages just navigate me to a 404 Not Found Error.  I might as well be given directions through the construction route where all the streets are closed.

Worst search result # 2 - Keywords are in the meta description but not on the linking page

WTF?  Last summer I was hosting a barbeque and wanted to set up some fun water activities for my guests' kids.  So I searched "outdoor water activities for kids 6 to 12".  The immediate results yielded activities appropriate for beaches, pools or camps.  Because none of those were applicable to my situation I had to eliminate those phrases.  My new keyword search became: "outdoor water activities for kids 6 to 12 -beach -pool -camp".  I saw a result with this meta description:
Another failed search result
Where's the content your meta
description said you had?
"Whether you're trying to get kids to burn off some steam, learn something new, or both, ... Fun Games for Children 7 to 12 · Fun Indoor Games for Kids 6 - 12 ... for Kids · Fun Outdoor Water Activities for Kids · Fun Outdoor Fall Activities for Kids ..."

Awesome.  I clicked on the link but I didn't see any water activities.  HUH?  In fact, I did a CTRL+F search to just find the word "water" anywhere on the page.  Nothing.  Why was I even routed here?! 


Worst search result # 3 - Online forums


Online forums have absolutely got to be the worst thing ever.  First of all, it's a lousy substitute for customer service.  Secondly, no there is no secondly, that's it.  Online forums are designed to be led by dissatisfied and frustrated customers in the hopes that their experiences will resolve the questions and concerns of their peers.  What kind of asinine logic is this?  It’s a case of the blind leading the blind.  I am especially irritated when I click on: “Questions? Contact us here” and am navigated to an FAQ page.  Yeah, FA-Q, too.  Then after that, when I don’t find my particular situation, I click on: "Still can't find what you're looking for?" and I’m taken to the online forum.
Online forums replace customer service
Sample Online Forum Discussion 

"The lock to my Suzuki SX4 is inoperable.  I click the button on my key chain clicker and my door but it won't unlock.  There is no key entry built on the hatch.  Has anyone else had this experience?  What was the cause of this issue and how was it fixed?"
  • "Yeah I've got the same problem.  No one's been able to help."
  • "Had my mechanic look at it.  Had to jerry-rig it to get it to work."
  • "Something similar happened with my Dodge, but I hit a massive frost heave one day and it fixed itself."
  • "*~*~*~*Subscribe to My YouTube Channel!*~*~*~*"
  • "Have you tried to use the key entry on the hatch?"

Umm...none of these responses helped me.  Clearly didn't help - so, why post the comment?  I've yet to find an online forum that's truly a help.  Like I said, they are the worst. 

If search engines truly understood my search strategy they would omit these results altogether.  But they don't, so I have to work around them.  I find it ironic, though, that the more search engines are amended to make the online searches a more easy, convenient and user-friendly experience, the more frustrating the whole thing seems to become.  What do you think?