Monday, November 18, 2013

Ladies - Stop Using Your Foot to Flush

Using your foot to flush the toilet
Don't be an ass - use your hand to flush.
Lately I've noticed women flushing the toilet with their feet.  I see one foot lift, hear the swirl of the bowl, then watch that foot settle back into place.  What's more, they dispense the paper towels before washing their hands so they don't have to touch the handle post hand wash. They then use their damp paper towel to turn the faucet off and open the door to the bathroom to make their escape from the apparent diseased bathroom.

This germ-phobic nonsense has to stop.

You know what's gross?  That I flush a toilet whose handle has been manipulated by the bottom of your scuzzy shoe.  The bottom of your shoe has a cornucopia of germs, much more than the hand you used to wipe does.  And brace yourselves girls - you expose your hands to just as many germs when you open the stall door. 

BOOM!  I just blew your efforts out of the water!  You aren't unlocking the stall and opening the door with your feet, right?  Chew on that for a minute.  I wipe myself - flush the toilet with handle of pestilence, and then open the door.  Yeah, that same door you open.  With your hands.  In fact, there are plenty of things you touch every day that have more germs than toilets, including your cell phones.
Don't be a germ-phobe
Save me from the germs!

Let's be realistic - what does it matter if you touch the handle of the toilet when you're going to be washing your hands in 10 seconds anyway?!  Do you think some brain-eating amoeba will absorb into your skin and kill you?

Consider this as well: your phobia of germs spreads more germs for others.  Because you feel it's necessary to dispense the paper towels before you wash your hands the knob of the paper towel dispenser now has germs it wouldn't see at all if you had washed your hands first.  Bitch.

At the end of the day, your obsession to be germ-free spreads the germs a little more for everyone else.  So stop flushing the toilet with your foot.

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